Saturday, 3 September 2011


Since Log eBook beta version 0.1.1, I have had a note pad activity with some corresponding activities and layouts, for e.g.,, notes_edit.xml, notes_list.xml and notes_row.xml,
these work fine, when is created it populates notes_list layout with a list of notes_row layouts, if there is not notes then it will come up with a message saying no notes yet. On press of the menu button a menu appears saying Add Note, and when pressed it starts the activity, since no data has been made yet no data is to be sent through with the intent, so it doesn't fill in the fields title and body and leaves them blank.

In the notes_edit.xml layout there is two TextViews, one saying title the other saying body and two EditTextViews one for editing the title and one for editing the body and also one Button to save.

I had a problem where if you save a note with no title you can't open it again because there was no text to press, so I came up with a solution that if the title was left empty it wouldn't save until it was, so I also made it that it wouldn't be annoying this function by automatically setting title to the date if it was empty or only contained spaces.

So in version 0.1.1 and 0.1.2 when you pressed on an item in the notes list it would automatically go into note edit mode and fetch the note using the note id but someone pointed out to me that what if they just wanted to view the note, so I made a new class,, and its corresponding .xml layout, notes_view.xml, notes view was just a simple linear layout with a textView for the title, a view for a line between the title and body, a scroll view, incase the body is bigger then the screen and another textView inside the scrollView for the body.

When NoteView was created it would fetch the note title and the note body from a sql database and set the text views as the strings, pretty straight forward.

When the menu button was pressed in it would open the activity and just send on the information that had sent to through a intent using .puExtra.

I decided that I didn't like my logo I had made myself and put it on Facebook asking for someone tho make a new logo for it, Jared Wratten, a friend of mine was the first to get back to me with a new logo, im quite pleased, its a lot better then the original.

So in all in version 0.1.3 it will have the following things:

- New logo 
- Title fix in notepad
- New NoteView class
- Minor bug fixes

Friday, 2 September 2011

Android Market

Hmm, the android market seems to take a long time to update, I published a new version of my app a few hours ago and its still not up, I wonder why this is, oh well I guess all I can do is wait

Log eBook beta

Yesterday I uploaded my first app on the android market, named Log eBook beta,

So far my experience on the android market, so far 15 people have installed my app, in just under 24 hours, not very impressive but its something.

The funny thing is that I have updated my app 5 times in the past day, just to change a few tiny errors, up until 0.1.0 that is, I am quite pleased with myself, I wrote a new part of the application to run a notepad which is accessed using the menu key, its based on the notepad in Google's tutorials, using SQL databases etc.

It took me 3 hours to write code that a week ago would have taken me, well, a week.

Heres the updates list so far:


- Menu icons fix


- Note Pad support via "menu" button


- Time table not loading subject 1 fix


- Transparency fix on horizontal lines